Popular stone fruits are now in season at source including nectarines, peaches, apricots and cherries. Delicious seasonal treats and a great healthy snack. Enjoy on their own, in fruit salads, smoothies or paired with cheese.

Apricots are a superfruit known for their pleasant and distinctive sweetness and can be enjoyed from May until September. Encased in an edible, velvet-like skin, this fruit is packed full of healthy nutrients and can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a sweet or savoury meal.

A summer favourite amongst our seasonal stonefruit selection has to be sweet juicy cherries. This dark red fruit is full of flavour and can be enjoyed on its own or incorporated into many sweet and savoury recipes. Whether cooked, candied, poached or pickled, cherries will always be appreciated for their unique aroma, rich flavour and ruby pigment.